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Our MissionOur WorkCultural & Sports ProgramsTalents for Life

Talents for Life



Thanks to the support of opour sponsors, the people at Fundación Internacional Talentos para la Vida reaches schools and universities throughout Latin America, placing posters promoting the program. A group of experts and personalities voluntarily reviews the works received to choose the winners.


Ages: 7 to 25.
Participation: cost free and individual.


Monthly Photography, Art and Essay contests: The subjects to be developed depend on monthly “talents” proposed.
Students develop their work and submit them for review by a qualified jury.
Awards are handed out in a monthly Award Ceremony held at different venues in the city of Buenos Aires (e.g. National Library, Automóvil Club Argentino). Awards include medals, computers (and other) for the student and also for his/her Institution.

Sports events: soccer, basketball, volleyball, walks, triathlon. Different tournaments and games are organized in line with our motto: “mens sana in corpore sano”.

International Scope

Since its inception, the Talents for Life program was conceived as an international effort. In fact, it was first made public in 1995 at the X International Seminar held in Miami, Florida by the School of Economics Alumni Association of the Universidad Católica Argentina. The announcement was then made before an audience of government officials and businessmen from North and South America.

In Uruguay, several sports events were held during the summer season in Punta del Este, a well-know resort. The events covered various age categories and sports, attracting a large number of “talents” and a cheerful audience. An agreement has been reached with El País (the main Uruguayan newspaper) to ocntinue with the program during 1999.

In Santiago de Chile, the program was launched at the 2nd. Presidential Summit of the Americas in April 16 and 17, 1998.



Programas Internacionales Argentina España Chile Estados Unidos Italia Uruguay Paraguay Alemania Brasil

Bases, Cronograma y Ganadores de Talentos para la Vida



Argentina España (en breve) Chile (en breve) Estados Unidos (en breve) Italia (en breve) Uruguay Paraguay (en breve)